Zero NG


Don't panic! Adhere to the 3-2-1 backup principle, and the data will no longer be lost

In the era of high digitalization, for many people, many ways of storing precious photos have turned to electronic storage on computers or the cloud; there are also many enterprises that have undergone digital transformation, including contracts, customer information, quotations, etc., are transferred to Digitize. However, due to the rise of the digital information age, hackers have also targeted these targets, and some malicious software "ransomware" has begun to rise, targeting individuals or large enterprises one after another, using information security loopholes to implant these programs, and encrypting important files. , delete the original file, and demand a ransom to decrypt it.

Don't panic! Adhere to the 3-2-1 backup principle, and the data will no longer be lost Read More »

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White House: 5 tips for corporate network security

In view of the endless information security problems caused by ransomware (Ransomware) for enterprises and companies, the US government recently issued a letter to US enterprises, which mentioned that protecting the privacy of private individuals and the public is the most important thing for the current president. Enterprises should take the issue of information security seriously, and must understand that once they become the target of an attack, it is difficult to escape, so some protection must be carried out immediately!

White House: 5 tips for corporate network security Read More »